Scouting Derde Utrechtse Groep

Scouting the Derde Utrechtse Groep is a scouting group located on the northeast side of the city on Kögllaan in Utrecht. Due to the future development of a residential building on Kögllaan, the DUG is relocating to the former municipal storage in the Voorveldse polder, a beautiful location in a natural setting within the city ring, close to the old building.




Scheduled end 2025




500 m2

The new location is situated 250 meters from Fort de Bilt. Therefore, the building has been designed as a wooden barrack within the line of sight of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie. The exterior of the building is dark, with understated architecture and a monolithic character. Simplicity has been the guiding principle in the design of this structure.

Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased
Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased

As the building is in a vulnerable location in the park, all windows are equipped with shutters, transforming the building's character during use and making it resistant to vandalism. The old barracks near the fort also had these shutters.

Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobasedScoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased
Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased
Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased

On the south side, a covered outdoor space has been created, enclosed by two thick walls equipped with storage and sliding panels. This design allows the building to naturally stay cool, and the covered outdoor space provides a pleasant area to sit outdoors in dry conditions.

Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased
Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased

Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased

Scoutinggebouw Voorveldse Polder DUG Utrecht Jasper Smits Architecten houtbouw duurzaam biobased
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